Carbon Monoxide Safety!
Carbon monoxide, also called CO, is a colorless, odorless gas that can cause dizziness, nausea and even death from carbon monoxide poisoning.
Carbon monoxide is produced when a fuel doesn’t burn completely. Gas appliances and other fuel-burning household devices – such as a wood-burning fireplace, generator or engine – produce invisible carbon monoxide fumes.
What is CO poisoning?
Carbon monoxide poisoning occurs when there is a buildup of CO in an enclosed space. A buildup can occur when the source is improperly vented or operated, or has malfunctioned.
Symptoms of CO poisoning include grogginess, confusion, headache, dizziness, nausea or vomiting, weakness, tightening of the chest. CO exposure can even make you pass out. People often describe the symptoms as flu-like.
CO poisoning can kill you. Prolonged exposure to CO can deprive your body of oxygen. Because you cannot smell, taste or feel CO fumes, it is important to know the signs and have a CO detector. Click here to keep reading…… Carbon Monoxide-Safety