Physical clutter is usually a priority because it’s right there, distracting us or getting in the way. But what about those less visible messes that still drain our energy and cause us undue stress? National Clean Out Your Computer Day is February 12, and it’s the excuse we need to tackle our digital spaces and get rid of unnecessary stuff. Here’s a quick guide for getting your files in good order and junking the ones that aren’t serving you anymore.
1. Start with your desktop.
Are you a compulsive desktop saver? It’s time to stop treating your home base like a junkyard. Go through and delete as many files as you can, and save the others to clearly labeled folders. Plan to go through and delete any extraneous desktop files at least once a month moving forward. Read more……NPI February Inspector Newsletter
Are you a compulsive desktop saver? It’s time to stop treating your home base like a junkyard. Go through and delete as many files as you can, and save the others to clearly labeled folders. Plan to go through and delete any extraneous desktop files at least once a month moving forward. Read more……NPI February Inspector Newsletter