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Donec cursus felis in mollis molestie. Vestibulum quis molestie. Donec et tincidunt nulla, Lorem ipsum eget volutpat tortor lorem nulla dolor amet.
Donec cursus felis in mollis molestie. Vestibulum quis molestie. Donec et tincidunt nulla, Lorem ipsum eget volutpat tortor lorem nulla dolor amet.
Vestibulum quis euismod orci, eget scelerid molestie. Quis odio volutpat tellus sagittis, sed pharetra dolor suscipit. Praesent rutrum arcu – from nulla Amet sit amet tempus suscipit.
Introduction to Green Building for Consumers Are you interested in a home that is cost-effective to operate, has healthy indoor air quality, and has a minimal impact on environmental resources? Learn about energy-efficiency construction and remodeling to create your own green dream home. Read more…… We build Energy Star 3 and Indoor AirPLUS homes! Call…
5 Design Trends to Maximize Space In today’s market, five trends have emerged to help home buyers maximize the space in their homes — whether it’s 1,000 square feet or 10,000 square feet. Joseph Atalla of Berkeley Building Company and Wayne Visbeen, AIA, IIDA, of Visbeen Architects explained these trends, including examples from their own…
Donec mi felis, aliquam auctor posuere at velit sollicitudin ullam in hendrerit ante, non sodales metus bibendum. Vivamus iverra mollis et sed augue.
When it comes to the top technology features that consumers want in their homes, the “eyes” have it. Nearly half of prospective home buyers – 46% – want a security camera in their home, making this the top technology item on the list. Closely behind at the No. 2 slot, 45% of those surveyed desire…
This is the last weekend for the 2019 Cedar Rapids Spring Parade of Home!!
2019 Cedar Rapids Spring Parade of Homes Dates and Times: Saturday April 27 12:00 to 5:00 p.m. New Homes Only Sunday April 28 12:00 to 5:00 p.m. New Homes Only Thursday May 2 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. New Homes Only Saturday May 4 12:00 to 5:00 p.m. New & Remodeled Homes Sunday May 5…